Rabu, 26 September 2012

Execution Land Dispute

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after the last month, carried out the execution of confiscation, Thursday afternoon, the district court against tergugat.meski purworejo execution had been a shouting match, but there was no resistance in the direct execution executor tersebut.pihak haul stuff defendant to be brought to the village office pandekluwih purworejo.

Purworejo district court's chief clerk led directly, nining rohyadi, assisted led police directly, Head ops purworejo Police, Commissioner edi Subroto, execution seiisinya home and on the road colonel Sugiono, precisely in the village pandekluwih rt 01 rw 12 purworejo. Parties terkesekusi, twinkle, represented stump Jayadi, who is also chairman of rt, could not do much after the letter was read eksekusi.barang implementation of existing goods transported directly forced into trucks that have been provided. Although the debate was small, but still direct the executor of transporting goods to a truck that is already provided.

Parties executed in this stump Jayadi, who is also chairman of rt said, can not do much. Despite efforts of resistance, but still resigned to the decision of the execution.

This execution also drew the attention of the people who happened to be passing at that location. Execution also got an escort of officers tni, pp Satpol and Kesbanglinmas purworejo district.



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